Monday, January 09, 2006

My Very First Post!

As you can see it now, this doesn't look all that great, but soon, this site will be up and running and running well. What is this site going to be about? Well, in my spare time, I'm a photographer and I do a lot of stuff for some local and national bands. This site will be host to my photos and to my thoughts on certain bands, much like a normal blogger.

The first band I have in mind is one that I owe a lot to: Saving Face is the band that first got me into promotion and photography. They were a power-punk group from Madison, WS. I'll always have Sarah Saturday (co-vocalist and bassist) to thank for a lot of what little I've done in the music industry.

So, in their honor, here's a few songs by this lovely band.

Fool's Gold
One Brite Star
A Restless Substitute For Flight

P.S. Sorry about the large file sizes, I had these CD quality when I ripped them.

P.S.S. If you're worried about the legality of these, Sarah encourages people to download these.


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