Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Why Aren't More Bands Like This?

Chronic Future has finally released their much anticipated of rarities and outtakes: This And Of That is everything I've been wanting from them and more. There aren't really any great rockers like "Shellshocked" from Lines In My Face, but they more than make up for it with some of the best funk and hip hop tracks by white boys I've heard in like....forever.

"Temper Anthem"

I'm only putting up one track, because you can buy the damn CD off of their main page or their myspace page located here, so pay the money, enjoy songs that radio will never hear, because there aren't many good stations left.

Also, I want to suggest that if you like these boys, go to 40 Oz. Comics, home of Jim Mahfood, the best graffiti/comic artist around. Buy one of his books, listen to Chronic Future, and open your eyes to greatness!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

So....Yeah....Reason Is....

Okay, where the hell have I been? See....there was this girl.....this pretty girl, who I fell pretty hard for and we dated, and things were great and I thought, "At this moment, I don't need no website!". And then, like, I got dumped on Sweetest Day. So, if we look at our scorecards (well, at least the scorecard I keep in my head), I've been dumped right around Valentine's Day, my birthday, and Sweetest Day. Now all I need is a Christmas dumping and I'll have rounded all four bases.

But no, the breakup wasn't bad, it was a timing issue, and I won't fault her for it. Move along I shall. And to commemorate this occasion, I'm sharing a great Single File song that fits with this pretty well: "Everything (Stand Still)" is pretty much how I've been feeling. So yeah.

Other than that stuff, what have I been up to, you ask? Not much really. Trying to find more work, going to school, I really have kept a low profile the last two months. That should soon be changing.

I also have to shout out to STIM TV! The place has been providing me with great stuff the last year and I think you all should be checking it out.

Be back soon with more stuff.