Monday, March 20, 2006

My Hectic Life!

Sorry for the lack of posting, there has just been so much going on lately that I just haven't had the energy. Up till last night, I wasn't even online for about four days, a long time in my life. This past week was finals week, and while I didn't have any finals, I did have two critiques and a term paper to write. Both of my critiques for photography went very well, with my professors saying my Black & White final being my best body of work yet. Which is funny, for all of my finals before this have been band shoots I've done. Two with Shrug and one with The Decemberists. I had never done an artistic shoot before, because in all honesty, I don't consider myself an artist. I've always seen myself as more of a commerical photographer that just loves music. But my professor challenged me a bit to try something different. So I did. Here's a few of the results (the one above is my favorite):

I hope to use the same model on the right (Luci), for I really got some great looks out of her. Of course, there's about ten things I could have done better, but this was my first time shooting with models and trying something artistic.

Of course, I only ask that anyone reading (all four of you) to not post bad comments about my artwork. I'm very fragile and only accept compliments....or back-handed compliments. Those are okay too.

Back to regular life. I did two photo shoots this week, one for The Static Age and one for the huge Taste Of Chaos tour. Now, that second one might shock you a bit, "We thought this was more of a indie pop blog?" Well, it is, but I still have a lot of connections to the punk and hardcore scene I started out hanging with.

I should have stories soon for The Static Age and Taste Of Chaos, as soon as I can get back into the lab. I've been waiting a really long time to talk about TSA, ever since I found out about the tour.

Tomorrow will bring new songs, so stick around!


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