Monday, February 06, 2006

High School Album #5

High School was really funny for me, at least music wise. When I started out, I was into two major bands: Weezer and Metallica. I know, the last one is pretty funny. But not if knew my history in music. From birth to the lovely age of 11, I was completely raised on Hair Metal. My Dad would wake me up every morning by putting in tapes of Def Leppard's Hysteria or Van Halen's 1984 (both of which are in my CD collection). Hell, I still love the stuff and will make a very cool Hair Metal post in the near future, but let's get back to what this is about: my High School albums.

Throughout High School, I was very quiet (yet considered a loud mouth asshole, and how I did that will continue to be a mystery to me) and kept to myself a lot. I always had on head phones durring lunch and the bus ride home, blasting out whatever tunes I had burned onto a CD. Durring my Freshman year, I really got into searching out bands on the internet. But it's funny, for my pick #5, I didn't find this guy on the net, I found him on Letterman.

Pete Yorn was playing....I believe it was "Life On A Chain" and I just....I've never been a country fan, and I don't think Pete is country, but there was this country charm about him. And I was like, well, I should get something by this guy. See what was out there. But there wasn't much, because he was just releasing his album. So, I did something very unexpected: I bought the album unheard.

musicforthemorningafter is still one of the most perfect albums for me. It opens with "Life On A Chain" and follows it with "Strange Condition", still one of the best one-two punches in Alternative Rock/Pop. This album came out at a great time for me, because I was growing as a person. I could accept the country flavor, the more adult lyrics and great pop of it all. When you have a song like "Murray" that just makes you want to get up, find your favorite dive bar and just dance, you can't go wrong. Everyone should own this album. I swear by it, for it's part of my growing up.

Bonus Track:

Mr. Yorn is from the lovely state of New Jersey, so you know there are probably two artists that inspire him: Bon Jovi, who are quite good in small doses, but the better one is, of course, The Boss. And I bring him up because I do love The Boss too. So when I heard that Pete did a cover of "Dancing In The Dark", I thought that it would be great to hear a take on this, because I've never heard anyone cover it. And man, did he take it somewhere else. Just by putting it acoustic and slowing the tempo down a lot, he's made this fun dancey rock hit into something that I never thought it was: a beautiful song about loneliness, confusion, and anger.


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